Lake Bodom murders

Valdemar Gyllström

Valdemar Gyllström, also called Kioskman, was running a kiosk in nearby Oittaa village. Gyllström became suspect in Lake Bodom murders because of his reputation of dislike for tourists visiting the area, especially young people camping close to Oittaa. In past he had violent outbursts (although there are no details to what form they took), supposedly he was beating his wife, was struggling with mental problems and, most likely as suicidal attempt, he drown in 1969.

According to locals Gyllström was harassing verbally the tourists, threw rocks at their tents or cut down the tents. After the murders he supposedly confessed to being guilty of the Lake Bodom attack, although due to his mental problems police did not took his confessions seriously.

While Gyllström certainly meets the criteria for being the obvious suspect (mental problems, aggression towards tourists, violent nature), what was described as locals seems more like behaviour of petty person rather than cold-blooded killer. The verbal abuse, throwing rocks or cutting down tents sounds more like someone who want to be a nuisance so the tourists would stop coming here than someone who would in rage try to kill four teenagers.

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