The Spies (1957, France)

Original title: Les espions

mysterious eventsspy movies

The Spies Les espions 1957 mystery movie

Running time: 120 minutes

Language: French

Doctor Malik runs a small psychiatric clinic in a suburban area. He finds it difficult to make a living out of it, but nevertheless he tries to offer the best form of treatment for his few patients. One day, some man approaches him in a bar with an intriguing offer. He introduces himself as an American intelligence agent, Colonel Howard, and offers Malik a small fortune for taking a patient into his clinic, but not actually a patient. He won’t know who the man is, all he has to do is keep him away from the eyes of other people for some time. Malik agrees and takes the money. Just like Howard predicted, strange people begin to turn up in Malik’s clinic, and he feels he made a mistake in getting involved in a shady business, but then it is too late to back out of this plot.

French black and white thriller / mystery movie about an ordinary man caught in a spy game, in which no one tells the whole truth. The plot is quite complexed and at some points even difficult to follow, but the atmosphere and the feeling of uncertainty keeps this movie interesting.

Can you solve a case like this?

Our rating

8 / 10

Movie value

6 / 10

Realism factor

2 / 5

Adventure factor

2 / 5

Story complexity

4 / 5


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The Spies 1957 mystery movieThe Spies 1957 mystery movie

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Creators of The Spies

Henri-Georges Clouzot films

Henri-Georges Clouzot


Henri-Georges Clouzot films


Jean Clouzot films


Egon Hostovsky films


Cast of The Spies

Gerard Sety films

Gerard Sety

as Doctor Malik

Vera Clouzot films

Vera Clouzot

as Lucie

Peter Ustinov films

Peter Ustinov

as Michel Kiminsky

Sam Jaffe films

Sam Jaffe

as Sam Cooper

Martita Hunt films

Martita Hunt

as Connie Harper

Curd Jurgens films

Curd Jurgens

as Alex

Paul Carpenter films

Paul Carpenter

as Colonel Howard

The Spies 1957 mystery movieThe Spies 1957 mystery movieThe Spies 1957 mystery movieThe Spies 1957 mystery movie