Isdal Woman

Discovery of suitcases

Three days after discovery of the body of Isdal Woman police had the first breakthrough - two suitcases belonging to her were discovered at Bergen railway station. Inside, among other items, they found:

 - Discovery of suitcases

- clothing,
- shoes,
- wigs,
- makeup,
- eczema cream,
- 135 Norwegian kroner, Belgian, British and Swiss coins,
- maps,
- timetables,
- a pair of glasses with non-prescription lenses,
- sunglasses (with partial fingerprints that matched the body),
- cosmetics,
- notepad with cryptic handwriting.
In the lining of one of the cases there were also hidden five 100 Deutsche Mark notes.

Just like with the ones found next to the body, all of the items inside cases had labels removed, which did not helped the investigators.

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