Moon landing conspiracy

Problems with photos

Some of the original photos that were taken during the landing on the moon show some inconsistency, f.e. some observers have pointed out difference in angle and colour of shadows. NASA replied to it "shadows on the Moon are complicated by reflected light, uneven ground, wide-angle lens distortion, and lunar dust", but do we have to accept that the laws of physics are different on the Moon?

On other photos it was pointed out that the background is identical despite the fact that they were taken in different places. NASA replied that they aren’t identical, just very similar. And up to a point it makes sense - the surface of the moon isn’t particularly spoiled for unique elements of the landscape.

One the photos with the flag stuck in the surface some people have pointed out that the flag seems to move between shots despite the fact that there is no wind on the moon. The NASA answer was that it might only seemed that the flag moved since it was put on the L shaped rod, which sound a little bit silly.

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