Unknown (2006, United States)

mystery moviespolice investigation

Unknown  2006 mystery movie

Running time: 85 minutes

Language: English

Five men wake up in a locked-down warehouse in secluded area with no memory of who they are and what happened to them. One of them is tied to a chair, one is handcuffed and looks like he was shot, the three look like they were in a fight. There are bars and security glass in all of the windows and electronic lock in the doors. All they can see around through the windows look like a desert. When phone rings one of them picks it up and tries not to let the caller know that he has no clue who he is and what they actually talk about. The only thing he gained from this conversation is that there is a gun someone left in a drawer. They also find a newspaper in the washing room, one of the articles leads them to a clue what event might have brought them here - kidnapping of a rich businessman, but the problem is they still have no idea which one of them could be kidnapped and which are the criminals.

Unknown, despite clearly being made on low budget, uses quite interesting premise of people stuck in a place with no recollection who they are and what they do here (similar to f.e. Cube), but since initially they do not remember anything from their past the story is full of twists and interesting changes that are taking place within the group since no one knows who can he actually trust and what was his part in the plot. It might not be the greatest film ever made, but it is good enough to keep viewers entertained for hour and a half.

Can you solve a case like this?

Our rating

8 / 10

Movie value

7 / 10

Realism factor

3 / 5

Adventure factor

2 / 5

Story complexity

5 / 5


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Unknown 2006 mystery movieUnknown 2006 mystery movie

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Creators of Unknown

Simon Brand films

Simon Brand


Matthew Waynee films


Cast of Unknown

Jim Caviezel films

Jim Caviezel

as Jean Jacket

Greg Kinnear films

Greg Kinnear

as Broken Nose

Joe Pantoliano films

Joe Pantoliano

as Bound Man

Barry Pepper films

Barry Pepper

as Rancher Shirt

Jeremy Sisto films

Jeremy Sisto

as Handcuffed Man

Peter Stormare films

Peter Stormare

as Snakeskin Boots

Unknown quotes

Jean Jacket: I’m not a criminal.
Rancher Shirt: Stop acting like one, then.