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Black Dahlia Murder events

Black Dahlia Murder people

Black Dahlia Murder

Leimert Park

On Janury 14, 1947 a woman named Betty Bersinger walked with her 3-year-old daughter down the South Norton Avenue in Leimert Park area of Los Angeles. On the vacant lot she saw something that looked like abandoned store mannequin. When she looked closer it looked like broken store mannequin, but soon she realised it was a body of young woman.

 - Leimert Park

Police arrived to the scene and examined the body - it was cut into half on the waist line. They noticed that also the body was completely drained of blood and obviously it was washed by the killer before it was dumped on the street. Her face also was mutilated - her mouth was slashed from ear to ear, creating an effect called the Glasgow smile. Short also had multiple cuts on her thigh and breasts, where entire portions of flesh had been removed. Her lower half was positioned a foot away from her torso, and the intestines were tucked neatly under the buttocks.

Near the body, detectives found a cement sack which contained droplets of watery blood, as well as a heel print on the ground amidst tire tracks. There were marks on her ankles, wrists, and neck suggesting that she was tied before she was killed. Although the skull was not fractured, she had bruising on the front and right side of her scalp.

The cause of death was haemorrhage from the lacerations to the face and shock due to blows on the head and face.

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