Bigfoot sightings

Patterson-Gimlin film

The Patterson-Gimlin film (also called the Patterson film) is a famous short motion picture of an unidentified subject, usually attributed to a Bigfoot species. The film was supposedly filmed on October 20, 1967, by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin on Bluff Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River about 25 road miles north-west of Orleans, California

 - Patterson-Gimlin film

The films depicts creature of great height with long arms and covered in dark hair. Most of the scientists have judged the film a hoax with a man in an ape suit, some of the mystery enthusiasts are convinced it is proof for existance of Bigfoot. But due to fact that film has poor quality, plus we see the creature from some distance and while it is turning and walking away it’s very hard to clearly determine one way or the other.

Both Patterson and Gimlin have always insisted they encountered and filmed a real Bigfoot, not a man in a costume. Patterson died of cancer in 1972. Patterson’s friend and business associate, Gimlin, has always denied being involved in any part of a hoax with Patterson.

The Patterson film is to this day the only if not hard evidence, then ambiguous one to say the least. There are some points of the movie that could suggest the hoax, but there is another aspect of it - since 1970s several people and institutions have tried to prove that the Patterson film was fake, but so far none of them were able to produce anything that would look anything as real as the creature in the Patterson film. So, if Patterson did put a man in costume and filmed it with amateur camera why so many people (including professional filming crews) so far couldn’t copy his hoax using far better equipment and with so much better makeup and costume technology? With their efforts it is always man in the ape suit, on Patterson film it’s not that obvious.

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