Isdal Woman

A spy network courier

While parts of the story surrounding Isdal Woman make the spy theory unlikely, there is an interesting spin on that version of event - she could have been a courier for spy network.

Facts that are supporting the theory:

  • she had resources to travel freely for months,
  • she was changing her appearance and identity,
  • she was seen talking to men in hotels, those meetings did not looked like personal matters, perhaps those men were agents,
  • she was often changing hotels and even hotel rooms, perhaps as security measure,
  • her death was made look like suicide so police would not look for her accomplices,
  • her suspicious death could be effect of perhaps the network being compromised,
  • she made notes with her schedule of travel,

Facts that oppose the theory:

  • she met with potential agents in hotels, where staff seen her with them - this does not sound like a great idea for keeping a spy network safe,
  • she was changing rooms after checking-in, which drew attention of hotel staff,
  • her death posed as suicide could draw attention to her past, an accident would not,
  • she was seen talking to a naval officer close to Penguin missile trials area, which seems like unlikely job for a courier,
  • if naval officer that she spoke to was part of the spy network such meeting with female courier that drew attention to herself would be a deadly mistake,

This theory seems more plausible than the spy theory, however her behaviour, lack of awareness how much attention she drew from hotel staff, make the courier thesis unlikely.


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