Mary Celeste

Natural phenomena

Natural phenomena is often mentioned by different authors as possible explanation of the Mary Celeste mystery - some events had occurred outside the ship and captain decided that it would be best to abandon the ship. Displaced iceberg or severe waterspout are given as examples of such natural phenomena that could have pushed the crew to leave the ship.

Facts that are supporting the theory:

  • all the things required to survive in the raft were taken from Mary Celeste,
  • no signs of violence suggest no foul play, rather natural cause of the incident,

Facts that oppose the theory:

  • what natural phenomena would push captain to decision that crew would be safer on the raft rather than on much bigger ship that was still seaworthy?
  • how leaving the ship would put them in safer position if natural phenomena would occur? something big enough to put ship in danger would certainly be even more dangerous for people stuck on a small boat
  • if the phenomena had static nature (like iceberg) why even bother with leaving the ship? ships tend to have steering wheel...
  • if the phenomena had dynamic nature (like storm or waterspout) wouldn’t they be safer aboard the ship rather than on raft?
  • there were no signs of panic, rather calculated decision to abandon the ship,
  • still no answer to question what happened with the survivors unless it was phenomena that would kill people, but leave the ship more or less untouched.


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