Isdal Woman

A fraudster

The Isdal Woman as a fraudster is one of the theories that on surface checks all of the boxes, but it is not that simple.

Facts that are supporting the theory:

  • the men she met in hotels could have been people she was trying to defraud or her accomplices,
  • her travel patterns were determined by location where her next hit was,
  • changing appearance, hotels, rooms and identities aimed to put police off her trail, but also the people she swindled,
  • removal of labels from clothes was suppose to secure her real identity,
  • her cut from swindles provided her with resources to travel,
  • if she was killed, this could be linked to her criminal activity,

Facts that oppose the theory:

  • she returned to same cities several times (although different hotels), but nevertheless if she would defraud someone f.e. in Bergen returning there just weeks later would be a huge risk,
  • it looks like she committed suicide, if she was a fraudster it is unlikely that would be her way to finish her life (especially if she was active recently),
  • she did not have much money,
  • if she swindled people her victims would come forward after sketch of her face was published in media,
  • if she would be killed by someone she had swindled it is unlikely he/she would pose this as suicide AND tried to burn the body,

The theory that Isdal Woman was a fraudster constantly on the run has its good sides, but at the same time it is unlikely no one would identify her, especially one of the victims.


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