Mary Celeste

Dangerous cargo

Dangerous cargo is sometimes given as one of the explanations why crew have abandoned Mary Celeste - among other products there were barrels with alcohol that might have sprung a leak, the alcohol caught fire that seemed more dangerous than really was and thus the crew left the ship prematurely. When they realized Mary Celeste is actually fine and the fire is out they were unable to return aboard. In other version alcohol cause big explosion, or rather fireball, that was spectacular, but actually was more or less harmless.

Facts that are supporting the theory:

  • the sudden fire based on alcohol fumes would look dangerously, while the damage would not have to be any danger to ship seaworthy status,
  • fire aboard the ship could be reason behind premature abandonement,

Facts that oppose the theory:

  • there were no reports of any fire damage aboard Mary Celeste, even fire that is based on alcohol fumes would leave some kind of damage,
  • in case of fire the evacuation would be very fast, while here we have what seems to be organized evacuation (all things vital for survival on the raft were taken by the crew),
  • captain knew was was transported on board, so it is unlikely that he would not associate fire with the alcohol.


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