Lake Bodom murders

The items

One of the early discoveries pushed police investigation into treating robbery as possible motive - the wallets of the victims were taken by the killer, but also the keys to their motors. While wallets could suggest robbery, the keys on the other hand were rather a red herring, especially since the motors were still present near Lake Bodom. What would be the point of stealing keys and leaving the motors behind? They only explanation would be to stop victims from reaching help, but killer would already know that the victims are dead, which makes this move pointless. Unless the robbery was staged.

And that leads to another evidence found circa 500 meters away from the tent - they were shoes belonging to Nils Gustafsson. Not only Gustafsson was shoeless when he was found, but his shoes were found stashed 500 meters away, which again made no sense. At least until analysis shown that the shoes had blood on them, which meant that killer was wearing them at the time of attack. Why? Why took them and hid them after attack? Why Gustafsson wear wearing no shoes? Those questions were left without explanation.

Despite searching the surrounding area (including the lake itself) police did not found any sign of the wallets or other stolen items.

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