Mystery movies about family secrets

Sometimes the greatest mysteries lurk in our own past - the mysteries of our family or predecessors.

24 found

Oldboy 2003 mystery movie

Oldboy 2003

Man was kidnapped on the street and locked in the cell for 15 years. When released he tries to find out why whas he imprisoned.

Under Suspicion 2000 mystery movie

Under Suspicion 2000

Influential lawyer pops down to police station to answer few routine questions, but suddenly from witness he changes into prime suspect in the murder case.

The Wicker Man 1973 mystery movie

The Wicker Man 1973

Sergeant Howie travels to secluded Scottish island to investigate the case of young girl disappearance and finds the locals claim that she never existed.

Jonathan Creek 1997 mystery movie

Jonathan Creek 1997

Jonathan Creek works for illusionist, but he uses his knowledge also to solve the mysterious cases such as murders or disappearances.

The Body 2012 mystery movie

The Body 2012

When a body disappears from the morgue police begins one odd investigation with the only witness in coma and a husband who is hiding something.

The Treatment 2014 mystery movie

The Treatment 2014

Police detective feels guilty about the disappearance of his younger brother when he was a kid. Now the prime suspect in that case gets out of prison and strange events took place in the area.

Pulp 1972 mystery movie

Pulp 1972

A pulp fiction author is tangled into a web of lies when he is offered a job as a ghostwriter.

Blood Relatives 1978 mystery movie

Blood Relatives 1978

In the rainy night teenage girl covered in blood turns up on the police station saying that her sister has just been killed.

Under Suspicion 1981 mystery movie

Under Suspicion 1981

On New Year’s Eve influential lawyer, suspect in child murder case, is asked to come down to station for some routine enquires, but nothing will be routine that night.

Jeziorak 2014 mystery movie

Jeziorak 2014

Pregnant police woman begins the investigation into murder of young girl found in the boat in the middle of a lake. Meanwhile her boyfriend, also a police officer, disappears while on duty.

The Gorgon Case 1977 mystery movie

The Gorgon Case 1977

Most famous Polish murder case of 1930 - young girl is brutally murdered and her stepmother is the prime suspect.

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24 found

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