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Texarkana Moonlight Murders events

Texarkana Moonlight Murders theories

Texarkana Moonlight Murders

Second attack

Second attack took place on 24 March 1946, Richard Griffin, 29, and his girlfriend Polly Ann Moore, 17, were found dead in Richard’s car parked on a lovers’ lane. Griffin was found between the front seats on his knees with his head resting on his crossed hands and his pockets were turned inside out. Moore was found sprawled face-down in the back seat. Griffin had been shot twice while still in the car and both had been shot once in the back of the head and were fully clothed. According to a police report Moore was killed on a blanket in front of the vehicle before being placed back inside, but because of the chaos on the spot her body was taken to morgue before examination could determine if she had been sexually assaulted.

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